Will Pluto be able to become the ninth planet of the solar system again?

                   We have been taught since childhood that the planets revolving around the Sun have their own solar system and there may be more solar systems like this solar system. Since childhood, we are studying what the other person has taught.

                  Recently some scientists got stuck and they said that how did someone decide that Pluto is not a planet and they believe that Pluto should be given planet status.

  IAU(International Astronomical Union)-:  In 2006, the IAU removed Pluto from the planet's category and gave it the status of a dwarf planet.

               According to the IAU, there are three main requirements to be ranked in the category of planets- 

                 1. It should revolve around the Sun in an orbit. 

2, It should be round in shape.

3. It should be so effective that no one can live near it, that is, its gravitational field should be very effective that no object can stay in its vicinity.

Why was Pluto removed from the category of planet?   According to the IAU, Pluto failed to meet one of the three key conditions set for the planets. The reason for this is that a body next to Pluto, which is a plutino, is present in the form of a point, due to which

                      Researchers published in Icarus, a scientific journal, that the IAU should re-adopt Pluto as a planet.

Mission sent by NASA to Pluto:       To study the surface of Pluto, in 2015, NASA scientists sent a satellite named New Horizon, which was sent to study the surface of Pluto and study about its composition. snuff

                   In 2019, former NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine told that he considers Pluto as a planet.

           Scientist Alan Stern, who is leading the New Horizons mission, said that he considers Pluto to be a planet.

Shape of Pluto-:    In 2015, the New Horizons mission sent by NASA took some amazing pictures of Pluto. Scientists claim that it is a geologically active body, that is, heat also comes out from the Earth's core of Pluto. Images taken by New Horizons show an unusual pattern of raised contours on Pluto's surface. A Sputnik Planet in Pluto's Largest Craters in Images Captured by New Horizons

Fluctuating Surface Structure-:    According to the US space agency NASA, the surface of Sputnik Planitia appears dark towards the edge. Pluto has many bulges that may be icebergs of muddy water, floating on the surface of denser solid nitrogen Scientists said that Sputnik is a huge crater located in the northern hemisphere of Planitia, which holds a field as large as a small country.

                      For this reason, there is a lot of confusion about Pluto in the IAU, whether it should be given the status of the ninth planet or not.

          But now we will read the accepted book of India according to NCERT, but it is expected that the world.

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